On Jan 28, 2007, at 2:10 PM, Georg Holzmann wrote:


Can you point me to the place in cvs where this is done ? - I cannot find it ...
I think you are to look in http://pure-data.cvs.sourceforge.net/ pure-data/scripts/auto-build/

thanks - I saw it now ...

FYI: All the scripts used for the auto-builds are there.

Do the autobuilds run in a specific order ?

Check scripts/auto-build/run-automated-builder for what it run on each machine. As for which machine runs when, they use the default cron.daily times for that platform, usually somewhere between 3am and 6:30am EST. debian-stable-i386 also serves as the CVS, rsync, and web server, so it runs its auto-build jobs at around 1:30am EST.

Then we could e.g. simply download the windows log file during the linux-autobuild and mail it from the linux-machine to pd-cvs ...

That sounds like a kludge which will bite us in the end. I think this should be done "the right way", using something in Cygwin or Mingw. That will be the least amount of work in the long run. Each computer needs to be self-contained or it rapidly becomes unmaintainable.


I will try it when autobuild.puredata is up again.


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