On Sat, 19 Jul 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Quoting Mathieu Bouchard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
How do you get [print] to print a peachy string?
in the way we (including miller) kind of agreed at LAC2008 the answer
is simple: you don't.

Perhaps you don't, but I do print my A_LIST atoms right fucking now using an object called [print], in Miller's Pd, instead of agreeing with things that can either crash pd or make it do something undefined that has nothing to do with printing the contents of the string.

All this resignation must be bringing you closer to God...

my initial idea of having a "type registry" (which was turned down as it seemed to be too complicated for the "minor" (not so many devs would probably use it anyway) feature of adding more types) would have added a callback for the use in atom_getstring()

Yeah, well, I agree with your type registry idea, and I shall remember not to go to anything like LAC for the number of pd developers. It's a kind of reflex that I have to fight. I would have to go to LAC for any other interest. I believe that this general feeling of resignation is nothing less than nasty... it may end up killing pd as more hacks like that get piled up.

 _ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal, Québec
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