
I just posted a bug report about this, but I am in an urgency of
finding a quick workaround.

On Windows XP,
sometimes, when scrolling up and down a big patch window with a huge
lot of gui stuff (many instances of a few gop-enabled abstractions),
I get a "Divide by Zero" error dialog, which does NOT crash or hang PD
(but does annoy):

divide by zero
divide by zero
    while executing
"expr -abs(0)/0"
    invoked from within
"pdtk_canvas_scroll .x9a4e60.c y [expr -abs(0)/0]"
    (command bound to event)

It never happened to me before, so I suspect it happens when the patch
you're scrolling is very "big" (in terms of quantity of gui elements).
Seems to happen only with the scroolwheel, not the scroll bar.

If I scroll a lot up and down and up and down, I am almost sure to
reproduce it within less than a minute.

I have been working for months developing this patch, which is going
to be used on stage in a show the day after tomorrow and suddenly I
add a couple of instances and this bug appears; though it does not
crash pd it does worry me, so my question is: does anybody know this
bug and know whether there are some particular circumstances
triggering it so that maybe I can avoid them for the moment??

(avoiding scrollwheel scrolling is just not feasible, as you can even
move the mousewheel unintentionally, furthermore the sound technician
managing the audio through the patch needs to be able to scroll in a
handy way and has always done it with the scrollwheel since it was
never a problem up to now)

PD Vanilla 0.40.2 on Windows XP.
Clean install with no externals.

Any help will be appreciated

Matteo Sisti Sette

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