> actually matteo just wanted to point out that he has already submitted a
> bug-report to the bug-tracker [1817858]

> i think he only wanted to raise the priority on a social level.

I am really sorry if I annoyed anyone with the double post, but posting the 
issue to the bug tracker and to the mailing list had two different purposes 
and was addressed to different (though obviously overlapping) audiences.
The bug tracker is intended for developers to let them know the bug exists 
(in case they don't already) so that they can fix it some day; and since I 
searched the bug tracker and didn't find it reported (which doesn't 
necessarily mean it has never been reported), I felt the duty to do so.
Otoh, a message to the list was addressed to users, who may help me to work 
the issue around without waiting for a next version with a fix.

If I didn't wait even 45 minutes (nor even 5 probably) after reporting the 
bug before I wrote to the ml, it was not for impatience but just because the 
two messages were intended for different targets: just like one may post a 
question to two (or more) different forum all related to the topic of his 
I didn't even expect any quick workaround or "hack" to be posted to the 

Thank you very much IOhannes for the fix you posted, however I'm afraid I 
can't try it out.
Correct me if I'm wrong: I need to recompile PD after modifying the source 
code with the patch, right?
I don't have the skills to do that right now, sorry.

Btw, I am using Windows version of PD (vanilla 0.40.2), sorry I didn't 
mention it in the report (i usually do, it was an oversight).


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