Steffen Juul wrote:

> error: [textextruded]: cannot find font-file '/path/to/ 
> gem_obj_list.pd/vera.ttf'
> error: [textoutline]: cannot find font-file '/path/to/gem_obj_list.pd/ 
> vera.ttf'
>   yuv2rgb
> ... couldn't create
> --------------------------
> As it's show in the output this is on Mac OS. X.4.11 intel version.  
> Pd-0.41-4. Gem is loaded with "-path /path/to/Gem" and "-lib Gem".

there are several different reasons why some objects cannot create:

- abstractions cannot be found (most of your "couldn't create" are of 
this type)
    Gem uses a number of abstractions which (should) live in 
/path/to/Gem/ (e.g. extra/Gem/; the Gem-binary is _besides_ these 
abstractions, e.g. extra/Gem/Gem.d_fat)
    are you sure that this is the path you added (e.g. is there a 
hsv2rgb.pd in this path?)

- help-files do not match the objects; e.g. pix_videoDS-help.pd is 
really a help-file for [pix_video] on w32 (which is a bit different from 
the ordinary [pix_video])

- some objects simply do not exist on every platform, e.g. 
[pix_indycam]; there will come the time when these are gone

- some objects do need a creation-argument e.g. [pix_freeframe] (and no, 
i will not instantiate dummy objects, this should be handled by Pd)

- some objects try to read additional files to be found in the Pd 
searchpath (e.g. [text]-objects require a font (vera.ttf); 
[pix_fiducialtrack] requires a fiducial descriptor file)

so all in all i am quite happy with your output :-)

you did install the universal binary package from, did you?


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