i had the same problem with prepend while i changed from 0.41-4 to
0.42. pd starts with a message like this in the console:
"class prepend renamed to prepend_aliased."
in fact this means that the iem_prepend is used instead of
the cyclone-prepend object. (i guess its cyclone on my system.)
this doesnt crash pd, but memento isnt working because these
objects are not compatible.
as i figured out there is something different with the list-selector.
didnt had time yet to really look at this problem.
maybe later.
(or frank will do the job????).

forgot to say that iam on winxp and not using pd-extended.

 Hello David,

 long ago under windows I've removed some crash with memento by replacing 
[prepend] with [list prepend]-[list trim], maybe it drives to some hints...

----- Mail Original -----
De: "David Schaffer" <schafferda...@hotmail.com>
À: "pd list" <pd-list@iem.at>
Envoyé: Mardi 6 Avril 2010 10h10:50 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne / 
Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Re: [PD] memento file retore crashes Pd

I forgot to mention: I'm on Win XP running the latest version of extended...

From: David Schaffer Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 10:07 AM To: pd list Subject: [PD] memento file retore crashes Pd

Hi there, I seeme to have a memento problem: I can easily save a configuration to file (.txt) but each time I try to restore the file, Pd crashes. I'm probably doing something wrong but I can't figure out what it is. I usually start by creating a .txt file somewhere and then use the "save" button on the careGUI object. That seems to work well since the file is created and has all the data into it. Then, when willing to restore, I push the file button, select the file I've created before andpuûsh the "restore" button, then booom. Am I doing someting wrong here? Can't find the goddam tutorial anymore... any help would be appreciated. Thanks D.S http://www.flickr.com/photos/schafferdavid/ http://audioblog.arteradio.com/David_Schaffer/

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