Hey everyone,

as some of you already know, I've started development of an Android trading 
card game made in Unity, using libpd and thus PD as the audio engine.

I'm not a programmer, but so far, our own coder managed to integrate PD in a 
way to easily prototype the audio keeping pd and unity open, using the 
[netreceive] object to pass numbers and messages from Unity to PD.

Indeed, building requires that libpd gets compiled via Xcode, instead of 
directly in Unity, but so far, things are running smoothly here. We're going to 
release this "bridge" we made soon as open source, and I'd be very happy to 
hear if someone is interested and has any advice/suggestions!

As a game composer, the thought of being able to utilize PD is like jumping 
from cave drawings to the latest graphic tablet :) I'm very excited about the 

Talk to you soon,


p.s. Hi Scott, good to see you're on the list, too! :)

Filippo Beck Peccoz
Game Audio
Twitter: @fbpsound
Skype: fbpsound
Mobile: +49-(0)1520-4004143

On Aug 12, 2012, at 1:56 AM, Peter Brinkmann wrote:

> I hope that it won't be necessary to do this in two steps, prototyping
> with Pd and deployment with libpd; that would mean discarding one of
> the strengths of libpd (here's an old blog post on the matter:
> http://nettoyeur.noisepages.com/2011/02/libpd-workflow-prototyping-and-production/).
> It would be great if somebody figured out how to integrate libpd into
> Unity and then posted the code to GitHub. I'm still hoping that Henk
> Boom will write the blog post that he hinted at a while ago.
> Cheers,
>     Peter
> On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 1:13 PM, Scott R. Looney <scottrloo...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> i think the answer at the moment is not to use libPD when running Unity live
>> in a prototyping designing fashion, but rather instead communicate messages
>> via TCP to PD itself, and let PD do the work directly. then when building
>> the iOS project, you adjust the code in Xcode to use libPD for the audio
>> output. that's the tricky part. i think that could work for now. it becomes
>> a lot more complex to set simple audio sources, but perhaps there could be a
>> mixture going on. i'll probably take further discussion off list as it would
>> not relate as much to PD but more to Unity.
>> scott
>> On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 8:50 AM, patrick <pured...@11h11.com> wrote:
>>> hi Scott,
>>> it's somewhat working for me on Windows, but only when using the
>>> audio.clip.GetData / SetData. right now i am trying to use the
>>> OnAudioFilterRead() but it's glitchy (i can hear pd running but it's mostly
>>> noise).
>>> you can see an attempt here:
>>> http://goo.gl/BWdo4
>>> here's my github:
>>> https://github.com/patricksebastien/libpd4unity
>>> OnAudioFilterRead():
>>> http://goo.gl/WE2Xx
>>> keep us updated!
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