> You've gotta change the setting right next to the
> width and height boxes to fixed aspect ratio. Then,
> you can fill in the values. But where do you go from
> there? The image remains unchanged and the subsequent
> crops aren't fixed to that aspect ratio.

Huh? Yes they are. I have Elements v.1.0, and on my program, you click on
the crop tool (third down on the left in the toolbox, the overlapping "L"
brackets) and in the bar at the top, boxes for width, height, and resolution
appear. If you fill in "6" for width and "4" for height, for example, the
crop tool automatically maintains a 4x6 ratio however large or small you
make it and wherever you place it on the image. Furthermore, the next time
you hit the crop tool, the same values will be remembered unless you click
the "clear" command next to them.

You can make the crop box larger, smaller, move it around, or rotate it with
simple mouse clicks.


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