
I am not talking to myself, really I don't :).

I've been thinking recently (how unusual) and found a way to modify
somewhat the sharpening procedure I posted.

You can obtain quite unusual results by the following:

1. Instead of mild High Pass Filter apply it really strongly, say with
filtering parameter 5 or may be even more

2. Then before you Overlay the result, you could apply Gaussian Blur
with strong filtering parameter, say again 5 or may be even more.

3. Then you Overlay and Flatten.

The result seems to be quite sharpened image with close to none
increase in graininess.

You can do your own experimenting. The bottom line is that this
procedure is controlled by you, including all the steps and everything
that is in between, unlike Unsharp Mask or other ready made filter,
which you apply in a black box fashion, rather.

Boris Liberman

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