This one time, at band camp, Alin Flaider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Hopefully Pentax doesn't share your opinion.
>   The DSLR potential market _is_huge_ - virtually every film SLR owner
>   is going to eventually buy a DSLR in the next five years or so.
>   Especially when the industry starts to drop film support and DSLRs
>   enter the mid level SLR price area.

I dont deny that the market potential is huge, just that Pentax have not
really taken to it, leaving it for the other manufactures to fight over.
Whilst in the point and shoot arena, they are the market leaders. That 
would be a bad thing to give up for them. I am quite happy with the 
meagre digital offerings as it stands. So long as there is at least _some_
sort of product, I am happy.

Kind regards

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Kevin Waterson
Port Macquarie, Australia

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