----- Original Message ----- 
Subject: Re: Pentax *ist D vs. Fujifilm S2 Pro: final update

> But I hope that something evolves so people don't have to post process
> image. Otherwise, well, might as well take all digital images to a lab -- 
> spend hours and hours doing it one's self, which sort of negates some of
> gain of a DSLR.
> At least for me.

A lot of these issues are resolved by people who use their noggins for
something other than stuffing food into the biggest hole on it.
Both of my digital cameras have built in controls for sharpening, contrast
and saturation.
By using these three controls, I can get a picture that goes from flat and
soft to too sharp and punchy.
Do a little experimenting, find where you like these three controls set, and
forget about them.
Photoshop also has a little known feature called "actions". Using this
particular feature, you can automate pretty much anything you do on a
repetitive basis, and then batch process entire directories of image files
while watching Seinfeld reruns.
Back in the old days, we had to drudge around in dank, dark rooms, inhaling
rotten foul chemical fumes and bruising ourselves on things that go bump in
the night.
Having to make a few mouse clicks to an image file, and then complaining
about how hard it is doesn't carry very well with me.

William Robb

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