
I was kidding of course. But nowadays it's not really comfortable to
make such a trip outside Java island and Bali. Safety and security are
the main concern. Lombok is ok, the closest to Bali. We have magnificent
views in some places. Getting there is another story. Some of the most
beautiful places are still in conflict, like Maluku. I've been exploring
some other countries too, and driving from place to place is easy and
comfortable. Not here, though. So, even if I live here, I often hesitate
to go far.



-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 12:14 AM
Subject: RE: Test - New to the list


Welcome to the list. I am really surprised by your statement about
your country having nothing to offer except Bali. I was very lucky 
to have the opportunity to travel in your country about 5 years ago. 
I traveled to Borneo, Sumatra, Bali and Java. All of the islands were 
fascinating and amazing.  While I did enjoy Bali, I found it to be less 
interesting than the other islands, the temples didn't compare to 
Prambannan or Borobador. The landscape didn't compare to 
Lake Toba, Gunung Leuser or Tanjung Puting. Some day 
I hope to return to Indonesia and see more of Java and Kalimantan and 
also see Sulawesi, Lombok, Komodo and Malaku.

On the other hand I do not know what is like to live there and 
the country is not with out its problems.  I did see a few things 
that were pretty tough and sometimes downright heart breaking.

Here's an interesting Indonesia Photo web site:

Once again welcome,


> Too bad I have no web sites. My country has nothing to offer - except
> Bali. I live in Jakarta with my humble family. Make some money from
> running an IT distribution business. That's all. Wanted to buy *ist D
> but could only afford the analog one :) I shoot mostly Nikon/Mamiya in
> the last 9 yrs, 4 yrs ago started Pentax system. My gear: *ist with
> 43/1.9, MZ-3 with 77/1.8. Also got a 300/4.5, and 70-200/4-5.6. That's
> why I need that 24/2 badly! I'm not satisfied with any of Nikon's 24.
> But Nikon has excellent 28s though (MF).
> Regards,
> Winston
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 4:17 AM
> Subject: Re: Test - New to the list
> "Winston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Thanks! It's exciting already! I'm waiting for my 24/2 AL and battery
> >pack for my *ist from B&H. Couldn't wait to put it to the test. I'm
> >going to Bali next week!!!! Yeehaaa!!!
> Welcome aboard! So tell us: Who are you, where you, etc. Got any
> online that you can show off? Any personal idiosyncracies that we can
> make fun of? ;-)
> BTW: You're going to love that 24mm f/2.0!
> -- 
> Mark Roberts
> Photography and writing

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