Try shooting at ISO 400 when using a flash. I get underexposure at ISO
200 with my Metz 40MZ-2, with the build in flash unit it works OK at 200

 On Sat, 2004-01-31 at 16:07, Kevin Thornsberry wrote:
> Oh, man.  Am I glad you wrote that.  I have been having the same problem and it
> has been driving me insane.  It's haunted me for the past two months.  I've
> searched all over the flash and camera for some setting that I have wrong.  The
> whole issue is exasperated by the fact that when not using the flash I normall
> have the camera in Spot metering mode.  When I don the AF360FGZ I forget to
> switch and invariably the "spot" is right on somebody's white shirt so I can
> always have that to "blame" it on.
> I've been meaning to do some testing with setting up a test subject and taking
> the same picture with same settings and conditions with both the FGZ and the
> built-in flash.
> I've searched the archives for others mentioning this with no luck even though I
> think I recall a thread that took place before I owned a *istD.
> I've seriously been considering sending the body and flash in for repair.
> How many people are experiencing this problem and what are you doing about it?
> I've tried some to use camera exposure compensations between +0.5EV and 1.5EV
> depending on the situation with mixed success.
> ------------
> >
> > Now, if I could only get the *ist D to not underexpose
> > with the AF360FGZ. -- Bill
> >
Frits Wüthrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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