Cotty wrote:

> I received this silly email as well. It contained a Zip file 
> that needed a code to unzip it, containing an exe file. I 
> followed the instructions and unzipped the attachment and 
> looked at the exe file. I shrugged my shoulders and deleted it.
> And some people wonder why I like the Mac OS.

I regularly get e-mails from Waitrose, telling me they have deleted e-mails
with viruses in them. I wasn't sure about this one, so I forwarded it back
to them to see if it was genuine.

There seem to be no end of these viruses now. I can see me partitioning the
hard disc and running Linux on one part for e-mail. My laptop is really on
it's last legs now and I would like a Mac to replace it. The only niggle is
the lack of floppy disc drive - and many PC manufacturers are now not
fitting them. I use these discs a great deal, and I dislike the thought of
having to burn a CD just for a few files which sit easily on a floppy.


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