----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Frantisek Vlcek"
Subject: Re: photography vs cameras

> But it still drives me crazy when, as you said, nobody in their
> mind without the knowledge and feel would try to repair their car,
> anybody with a camera thinks he is the photographer. Where has the
> profession's pride disappeared?

This trend has been going on for about 40 years. We called them
weekend warriors when I was active in the trade.

As soon as professional photographers adopted 35mm as their camera of
choice, they opened the door to anyone with a camera butting in on
their turf, and as a profession, got exactly what they should have

The advances in camera technology over the past couple of decades or
so has only made it worse, actual photographic knowledge (you know,
that stuff I harp about from time to time?) is no longer a
prerequisite, since the cameras themselves are able to take care of
all the technical details, and photography is now pretty much a point
and shoot game.

William Robb

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