Some people can fix things without knowing how.  I know a guy in fact who
took apart his VW bug engine, cleaned everything and put it back together.
He left a few washers out but it still ran perfectly.  He'd never done it
before, and Thats pretty cool.  I admit there are putzs out there, but some
people really honestly do pick things up rather easily.


-----Original Message-----
From: Frantisek Vlcek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 5:04 AM
Subject: Re: photography vs cameras

ein> If the goal is actually a couple of great photos of her kid, $8000
ein> buy a certain amount of time from a skilled photographer.
ein> Yes, this is less satisfying than doing it yourself, but I sort of
ein> the idea that all it takes to make pro-quality photos is a pro-quality
ein> camera.  Certainly people wouldn't extend this idea to many other
ein> professions.  Give me the best tools in the world and I still couldn't
ein> make any sense of my Ford Escort.

Agree. I do resent the idea too, especially as it means we
photographers are losing money, when every "putz" thinks he can make
the pictures good for his brochure with his 300D and no
knowledge/feeling of photography or lighting. Well, that's the
changing market, and anybody wishing to continue will have to adapt.
But it still drives me crazy when, as you said, nobody in their sane
mind without the knowledge and feel would try to repair their car, but
anybody with a camera thinks he is the photographer. Where has the
profession's pride disappeared?

Best regards,
   Frantisek Vlcek

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