ooops, I just realised that I lied in my previous post! I did a litle more
manipulation to some of the shots than I said - ie. cloned out the dust
spots from my grubby sensor, and also vignetted a couple of them.  Oh, and
also, the shots of the fence have been manipulated further again - I had to
clone out the bird poo that was all over it! hehe.

Oh, and yes, before anyone asks, I most certainly *do* have a pink and
purple fence - I mean what other colour fence do you think *I* would have?!?



-----Original Message-----
From: Tanya Mayer Photography [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 23 July 2004 9:17 AM
Subject: Tan's foray into stock photography....

or whatever you may wish to call it....

Anyways, at the risk of being in lots of trouble from the COF's for my
prattling this morning, I thought I'd better show that I actually do take
the odd photo now and again too...  and, whoa, i even used pentax equipment!

I have been studiously watching the stock photography sites for sometime
now, and noticed that most images are posted in groups pertaining to a
certain theme and/or variations on it.  I wanted to do some funky looking
stuff, so that they aren't just "boring, old, flower pics", hence the colour
shifts etc.

So, here's the link to the gallery:

And this one is my undisputed favourite from the day, and has no
manipulation at all, this is straight from the camera:

So, when I was shooting my beloved lavender yesterday, I thought I'd have a
play with some different techniques.  Most of these have been manipulated
using levels/colour balance in the Pentax RAW converter, however all are the
original crops/compositions etc.  God only knows what anyone would ever want
to buy/use them for, but I guess it can't hurt to try!

All shot with *istD, and Tokina 28-70/2.8 atx pro, tamron AF 2x
teleconverter, AF-500ftz, and Lumiquest Promax Softbox.  Oh, except for the
ones that are obviously wide, which were shot using the FAJ 18-35.  All
hand-held, various exposures due to changes in depth of field etc, and
varied from 1/30th (for the blurred ones, and those with movement in them.
btw, if they have movement/blur in them, it *was* intentional, lol!) to
around 1/150th, and between f3.5-f11.

And while we're on the subject, any ideas which would be the best agency
that I should approach?



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