Caveman uttered the following:
> You must be quite selective with your shots. I've got a 512 MB card, I 
> shoot jpeg, and I do fill it up during some good days. However I didn't 
> yet buy a second one since the battery dies at about the same time the 
> card gets full. Maybe I should get a 1 GB card and a spare battery.
> > SD cards come in larger sizes! Mine are 128 MB and 256 MB, and I know 512 
> > also available although so far I've never bothered to buy one (nor have I 
> > bought, so far, a CF larger than 256 MB.)

For the Optio 550, I have two 128MB cards, two 256MB cards and one spare 
battery. This is sufficient most of the time. I did run into a little trouble 
on a trip this summer when one of the 256 cards inexplicably died. So I was a 
bit restricted when I only had 512MB total capacity instead of 768MB. As a 
result of that experience, I'd rather have two medium-sized cards than one 
large card (an eggs-in-basket sort of idea). But if I had to replace either of 
those 128MB cards, I'd buy a 256MB instead. 
If I charge both batteries fully before a day's shooting, the batteries will 
outlast the cards. This is probably because I don't use the LCD while I'm 
shooting; my son and my husband do use the LCD, and the battery life is much 
shorter for them. 
For the *istD, I have four 256MB cards and I thought I had two sets of spare 
batteries, but I can't find one foursome; someone else in my family must have 
appropriated them. I use NiMH AAs, and have yet to "kill" the batteries if they 
were fully charged at the beginning of the day. 


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