I get it. I didn't understand what you meant by plugsin. Bery interesting. Where can I read more about these plugsins? Or were they created specifically for your system?
On Oct 15, 2004, at 9:44 PM, Herb Chong wrote:

i never treat any of my images the same either. neither do my plugins. they
can be set to achieve the results i want so long as the inputs are somewhat
within reason. that is why i spent the money on specific plugins that can be
tailored as to the results i get and not to the amount of any effect i want
to apply.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 9:17 AM
Subject: Re: *ist D image quality-_Was -Stupid Question #999

I rarely treat two images exactly the same, so plug-ins wold be of little
use for me. In truth, the RAW converters adjustments are far more fine and
subtle than those of PS. I frequently change saturation by minute amounts in
either direction, ditto white balance and color balance. The RAW converter
allows extremely fine tuning of those kinds of variables.

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