Ha ha ! very nice picture Rob, not very zen-like, though. It's Sydney Opera on
the right, isn't it ? 

Regarding Sugimoto's (or is it Hiroshi's ?) work, I have found a short
technical explanation in an interview about his Seascapes 
(at http://www.assemblylanguage.com/reviews/Sugimoto.html)

To get the powdery sea effect in "North Atlantic Ocean - Cape Breton Island"
[1996], Sugimoto hauled his American-made, wooden cabinet Durdorf and Sons
camera out to Newfoundland, mounted it on a French tripod, screwed on a Carl
Zeiss lens, loaded an 8x10 sheet of Kodak Plus-X 125 ASA film and then put a
16x neutral density filter on the unwieldy apparatus to reduce the film’s
sensitivity to well below one ASA. "That's like the speed of 19th Century
film, when photography was invented," he explains. When satisfied with light
and composition, he tripped the shutter and waited *one and a half hours* for
the seascape image to burn itself onto the film.

(the picture is shown as a thumbnail on the site)

Question is: where does one find a 16x neutral grey filter ??? Do you have to
make one ?



>>>>> "Rob" == Rob Studdert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Rob> On 10 May 2001, at 17:54, Fabrice Gamberini wrote:
    >> I too find long exposures quite fascinating and I have discovered recently the
    >> work of Hiroshi Sugimoto, a Japanese photog who used to take pictures in movie
    >> theatres, excepted that he chose to expose the entire duration of the movie,
    >> which usually gives a very white rectangle, surrounded by the architectural
    >> details of the theatres -he likes rich ornate theaters from the 20s or 30s-.
    >> ( there's an interview there:
    >> http://www.eyestorm.com/feature/ED2n_article.asp?article_id=135)

    Rob> Couldn't help it, one of my theatre shots (with rich ornate harbour views :-)

    Rob> http://members.ozemail.com.au/~distudio/17.html

    Rob> Cheers,

    Rob> Rob Studdert
    Rob> Tel +61-2-9554-4110
    Rob> Fax +61-2-9554-9259
    Rob> UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
    Rob> http://www.ozemail.com.au/~distudio/publications.html

Fabrice Gambérini
  -- = Wavecom S.A. = -- 

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