
You are a photographer. You know less than nothing about finance, or about marketing, or about how large corporations operate. You read a few handouts and come on here posturing as an expert on Pentax and the business world in general.

As you yourself concede, Pentax as a company makes money. What you haven't cottoned onto is the value that the company attaches to the brand name, which may well cause them to stay in the camera business just to keep the name in the public eye.

What you also know absolutely nothing about is the manner in which companies cost the different parts of their business, and how they choose to release this information to the public. You don't have the first idea how well or badly the imaging business is doing. What Pentax choose to tell the public may be completely different from the underlying reality, and if you were an accountant you would know that there is no single version of the underlying reality.

But what really irritates me about you is your obsession with trawling the net to find bad news about Pentax and then reporting it here. You are even worse than that other obsessive idiot, JCO, because he restricts himself to periodic apoplectic outbursts, whereas you are a constant thorn in the flesh, like Chinese water torture.

And the worst of it is, it's so self-defeating. If you spent a tenth of the time that you spend denigrating Pentax on promoting the company, you might help it to sell more products and thus stay in business and perhaps make the bodies you want. As it is, your wholly negative and destructive attitude is designed to do the opposite. You are a sad and unpleasant person, and I wish you would go away, or at least restrict your contribution to subjects you know something about. Photography, for instance.


On Tue, 20 Sep 2005 11:49:43 +0100, Herb Chong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

you haven't figured it out yet, my position represents the same as that of people who manage hundreds of millions of dollars of Pentax stock. Pentax's camera business is in serious trouble, not the company. if Pentax pulls out of the camera business, then all the money have i have put into Pentax dead-ends. if they want to stay in the camera business they have to do much better than they are doing now. Olympus and Konica Minolta are in the same boat. those are the major players. Fuji is one of the minor players also in the same boat. these are just the DSLR manufacturers. this coming year is it. anyone who is not profitable in the digital camera game by 1Q 2006 isn't ever going to be. most camera companies didn't make their 1H fiscal 2005 sales figures, some by significant amounts but haven't lowered their YE 2005 forecasts. everyone is counting on a large 2H gain. keeping a division running that always loses money and has not hope of making any is really stupid.

----- Original Message ----- From: "John Forbes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <pentax-discuss@pdml.net>
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 3:48 AM
Subject: Re: How Pentax Could Survive (was:Re: Pentax K 2.5/200mm)

Thank God for that. Then perhaps you can move on from your obsession with Pentax's financial downfall.

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