On Thu, 06 Oct 2005 15:47:48 +0200, Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Pentax register: 45.46mm
Nikon register:  46.50mm

1mm out!

and going the wrong way. Well if I couldn't mill 1 mm off the back of a
Limited, and stick a Nikon flange on, my name's not Dr Frankenstien.

On 6/10/05, P. J. Alling, discombobulated, unleashed:

Don't you have something here backward?


Sorry, brain not engaged (when is it?).

Peter is right - the difference is 1mm but going the *right* way. That
means that instead of taking off 1mm from the back of a PK lens, we need
to add 1mm to it, so that it focusses at the Nikon register distance.

EOS (you know ;-) register is 44mm. So either Nikon _is_ going the wrong way, or your EOS mod isn't working :o)

Or am I making an error?

Regards, Lucas
(you could also mill 1mm of the D2x flange <evil grin>)

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