Your idea of "not much larger" is certainly a bit different than mine,
Peter.  You might want to double check the figures over at Boz's site.

I've had both lenses at the same time, and the A*300 is seemed quite a bit
bigger than the K135/2.5 ...

As for its "greatness," well, we'll just have to disagree there as well.  I
had two, and was not satisfied with either. 


> [Original Message]
> From: P. J. Alling 
> I use the A*300 f4 it's a great lens, but it has a very long focus 
> throw, (you can't expect to change from closest focus to infinity 
> quickly), and it's closest focus is none to close, about 13 feet.  On 
> the other hand it's not a lot larger than the smc P 135mm f2.5 with the 
> lens hood mounted and not a lot heavier.

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