Nice shot Bruce.  Turkeys are not easy to approach.

birds are NOT descendants of dinosaurs....  They ARE dinosaurs! :-)


----- Original Message ----- From: "Bruce Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 1:33 PM
Subject: PESO - Raptors?

Out walking with the long lens this morning.  I came across a flock of
wild turkeys.  I was just a little downhill from them and was trying
not to spook them.  I got a bunch of shots - all through a few weeds.
When I watched this pair move along I couldn't help but think about
the Velociraptors moving about together.  The movements were quite
startling to watch.

Not one of my best shots, but the best that I could do with the

Pentax *istD, Tokina AT-X 400/5.6
ISO 400, 1/750 sec @ f/6.7

Comments welcome


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