I am still shooting film with a PZ-1p, a PZ-1, and
occasionally a Super Program.  I have an Optio 33L
that is always in my bag, but an Olympus Stylus Zoom
is in there too.

When the successor to the istD comes out I will give
it due consideration, and I may or may not take the
digital plunge then.


--- Shel Belinkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I was thinking about this last night.  It seems that
> most everyone on the
> list, at least from the usual gang of "regular
> posters," has made the move
> to digital.  Who hasn't, and who have no plans to do
> so in the near or
> foreseeable future?
> Shel 
> "You meet the nicest people with a Pentax" 

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