I agree Frank. But you have to draw a line somewhere. Academia has to be a bit 
selective. An intelligent point of view should be at least a prerequisite. 
There's a big difference between someone whose views don't coincide with one's 
own and someone who is spouting utter nonsense. Disparate views yes, but I'm 
not paying for nonsense.
 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "frank theriault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On 7/25/06, graywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I will defend the guys right to get up on a soap box, or write on the
> > Internet, but I do not think he should be given official sanction or tax
> > payer dollars to do so. Are we required to support every crackpot who
> > wishes to tell us about his hallucinations?
> It rankles me that people use the "not with my tax dollars" argument
> to try to muzzle academics whose views don't coincide with theirs.
> I didn't realize that part of the deal with public funds going to
> universities was to allow the public to set curriculum, or otherwise
> tell profs what to say (or not to say).
> In fact, I thought that tax dollars going to post-secondary
> institutions was all about recognizing that the particular values and
> freedoms of academia were worth preserving and promoting, not so that
> the government or the people could use that funding as a platform to
> promote personal or popular agendas or censor unpopular thoughts.
> I guess I'm naive.
> cheers,
> frank
> -- 
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