On 11/03/06 4:22 PM, "Joseph Tainter", <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This time the GX10 image is at ISO 800 while the *ist D image is at
> 1600. Again, very quick and dirty.
> http://www.fotocommunity.com/pc/pc/mypics/535671/display/7101932

This is an ISO 800 sample (liquour bottles)


I know its too small to make any sort of intelligent judgment, but it looks
OK to me.
Generally, folks in Japan who actually saw IS1000/1600 samples were
apparently delighted, good enough to make up their mind to order.

I know there is no one who can definitively speak of high sensitivity
performance of K10D with any sort of authority, except Pentax, but my
general impression is that it is at least as good as K100D, and combined
with higher resolution, the final produced image should look excellent.

I like the non-hyped, straight talking of Mr.Tatamiya.  It is very
Pentax-like talking.  His forehead is now much shinier.

I like the fact that they did not try to wrestle with noise but leave it for
users to take advantage of it.  I hate heavily noise-suppressed (in camera)
image which might appeal to real novice (and it is perhaps better that way
for that market) but it really loses the edge of outlines and render very
flat image.  Good grain of film does enhance the image quality.  Hope what
Mr.Tatamiya is preaching (film-like quality) is true.
In any case, for the particular market Pentax are targeting at with K10D,
leaving the noise without suppressing it in camera and leave it for the post
processing choice by users is a far far better approach.  K10Dis not istDL
or DigiRebel after all.
I think there was so much talk about the noise in the interview which
attracted perhaps some undue attention too.  Mr.Tatamiya appears to be
pre-empting some of those.  Watching Japanese sites and lists, high ISO
level is not of big concern now, as actual sample started showing up, albeit

Reading through Tatamiya interview, they apparently try to keep the cost
down while keeping the acceptable quality and features.  Imagine what they
would have done if the cost restriction was more relaxed.  I wonder what
they could do on K1D :-).  If they can price it at $1500.....
At least the mirror damper is in.


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