On 11/03/06 5:07 PM, "Joseph Tainter", <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't know what to make of my comparison shots. In the image from the
> GX10, the table top appears rather noisy to me, especially compared to
> the *ist D shot at ISO 800. Looking just at the table, the GX10 shot at
> 800 looks more like the *ist D shot at 1600. But I think the GX10 image
> is also underexposed. Maybe we haven't learned anything more with these
> shots.
> The GX10 shot is clearly sharper, but I don't know if there was any
> post-processing. Maybe it is the result of the 10 mp sensor?

Hi Joe,

I am no expert, so I do not wish to make any premature comments but these
are too crude samples to make any sort of judgment.   I have not looked into
them in detail but none of them look anywhere near any sort of samples, like
the one I posted.  They just give us general ideas.  If you try to draw any
kind of intelligent conclusions off these shots, you (we) go insane with
lots of your own speculations with uneasy mind:-).
Besides, I am pretty sure that the firmware is still 0.2 or so, as I saw no
reports of anything later than that.  When the official samples comes out, I
am sure they would use the latest shipping version.
Let's wait until version one point oh my god.


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