"I like the non-hyped, straight talking of Mr.Tatamiya.  It is very
Pentax-like talking.  His forehead is now much shinier."

Hi, Ken. Is that a Japanese saying? A shiny forehead? I assume it is a 
compliment. Anyway, I appreciated his straight talk too. We now know 
much more about what to expect.

"I like the fact that they did not try to wrestle with noise but leave 
it for users to take advantage of it."

Yes, this is the right approach.

I don't know what to make of my comparison shots. In the image from the 
GX10, the table top appears rather noisy to me, especially compared to 
the *ist D shot at ISO 800. Looking just at the table, the GX10 shot at 
800 looks more like the *ist D shot at 1600. But I think the GX10 image 
is also underexposed. Maybe we haven't learned anything more with these 

The GX10 shot is clearly sharper, but I don't know if there was any 
post-processing. Maybe it is the result of the 10 mp sensor?


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