On 11/03/06 5:59 PM, "Ken Takeshita", <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> This is an ISO 800 sample (liquour bottles)
>> http://form.allabout.co.jp/1/210637/1/product/210637_01.htm
>> I know its too small to make any sort of intelligent judgment, but it looks
>> OK to me.
>> Generally, folks in Japan who actually saw IS1000/1600 samples were
>> apparently delighted, good enough to make up their mind to order.
> If you click "page 2" of this site, there are some more pics including
> ISO800.  Even at this size, they are properly exposed and "look OK".
> Beyond that, hgard to tell.

These are actually Pentax's samples but no EXIF data, and non-clickable,
unfortunately.  But they are now beginning to show ISO800 samples.


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