Hi Mark,

On Mon, 18 Dec 2006 19:32:37 -0500, Mark Cassino wrote:

>For the folks who have K10D's - how have you set the dust removal 
>setting?  I originally set it to turn on with every power up, but that 
>seemed excessive and I wondered if the knocking of the sensor was 
>ultimately good for the AS mechanism. So, now i just use it as needed 
>(which is not yet so far.)

That is what I did too.
(since I am mostly playing with it anyway, can't get
 out of the door with my broken leg :-(

>Do you see any reason NOT to use it on every power up?  Do you think 
>using it regularly would be beneficial in terms of preventing dust 
>specks from building up?

I think it would help a bit to do it on a regular basis, but more like
once every week rather than at every power-up ...

Regards, JvW

Jan van Wijk;   http://www.dfsee.com/gallery

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