>To keep focus on the controversy over man-made or not
>is very pleasant
>because it means you don't have to do anything as
>long as there is any
>straw to cling to claiming that all is well.
>Politically this may turn
>out to be a mistake of Chamberlainian proportions.

Surely much larger than that!

1:  I believe we have the scientific acumen and the
technological know-how to solve climactic problems
without destroying our economy.

2:  I don't believe we have the political will to do
so.  Or, more bluntly, our politicians are all to
willing to trade possible future global catastrophe
for fat bank accounts or re-election (or both) today.

3:  Our great-grandchildren will probably curse us for
our short sighted foolish greed with their last dying

4: This week, after years of searching, I finally
discovered the secret to excellent hash-brown

Steve Farnham

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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