Thanks Marcus, Bruce, and Marnie.

This is turning out to be a tougher subject than I
expected.  I took about 30 frames Monday, with the
fisheye, the 16-45, and the 50/1.7. 

The space is tough, and the available angles are
restricted by an ugly modern building on one side, and
an old mansion being rehabbed on the other.

The wide-angle shots made the tree and headstone lean
away from each other (comical, but not esthetic!),
even when I was scrunched down as low as the space

Guess this one needs more playing with.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated 2/13/2007 7:11:37 P.M.  Pacific
> Standard Time, 
> RW> I took Monday  off (having worked all weekend),
> and
> RW> headed back to the cemetery in  the late
> afternoon to
> RW> work with that interesting tree.  This is  one
> of the
> RW> results:
> RW> 
> RW> This is the  original from a few days earlier:
> RW> 
> RW> ist D, FA  50/1.7, ISO 200, RAW, 1/250 @ f.4.5
> (I don't
> RW> know why I set the  aperture so small...), via
> ACR and
> RW> IE4.
> RW> Cheers and  catcalls both welcome.
> RW> Rick
> ==========
> Agree with Bruce  this shot is not a lot different
> than the first one. IE in 
> terms of distance and  positioning, etc. You could
> can move backward and 
> forward. Or use other lenses  or shoot lower down or
> closer. Uh, trying to say 
> maybe you ought to think about  how to "work" the
> scene. Over the years, being on 
> this list, I've come to  understand more and more
> how much one scene can be 
> worked. The answer is, a lot.  
> Just my .02 cents. 
> Marnie aka Doe ;-)  
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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