In a message dated 3/1/2007 6:05:48 P.M. Pacific  Standard Time, 
Marnie, on my screen it looks  like it does need some sharpening, and also a 
contrast (or dynamic range)  boost.
Did you have an opportunity to take the more conventional shot,  looking 
along the row from one end?

John Coyle
Brisbane,  Australia

Nope. Lots of no trespassing signs. And the new  version I bumped up the 
sharpening a tad and the saturation and contrast.  However, it was an 
area, enough interesting that I plan now to go  back. So maybe I could get at 
the end of that road from the other end and try a  shot. I mean it may not all 
be private road for the whole length.

Thanks,  John.

Marnie aka Doe :-)  

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