On 3/07/07 12:43 AM, "Doug Franklin", <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Why do you say that, Ken.  Am I missing something?  It seems to me that
> I set up two SD cards, one with the old firmware and one with the new.
> A simple swap of the cards and the "magic startup" to load new firmware
> and I'm set.  Does the 1.11 (or whatever) firmware notice that I'm
> trying to load an older version and refuse?

By the time I saw your post, Europeans responded.
Considering very few actual updating item in 1.11 and the timing of it, I
thought that one of the purposes of this update was to shut out the DIY AF
point adjustment hack.  Pentax apparently did not like it (service
nightmare? :-).  So, for that reason alone, it must be irreversible.
I found quite a few people (including even some long time Pentax veterans)
have been plagued by what they thought was the soft focus problem.  After
hacking, they all reported very sharp focus.  This being the case, Pentax
should allow users to adjust the focus point if Pentax cannot do it
precisely at their factory.  Maybe hacking would be a bit scary to them but
can't this be done by software/menu?  Canon did it in their recent 1Ds Mk

Also, I thought that firmware is something burnt into a ROM of the camera
CPU and not supposed to be easily manipulated back and forth, no?


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