I'm partial to roast beef on rye with mayo, horseradish and pickles. A thin 
slice of cheddar is also good. Ditto, very thin onion slices.
 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> OK gang, this may be one of the strangest questions asked on the PDML in
> quite a while, and might give the list a few chuckles.  Apart from one
> sandwich in 1957, I've never had a roast beef sandwich.  I've eaten a wide
> variety of food in many different countries, but never a roast beef
> sandwich. Yesterday I was gifted with a half pound of very nice looking
> roast beef, nicely sliced, and ready to go between two slices of bread.
> However, I haven't a clue about a dressing. I recall that roast beef goes
> well with horseradish, maybe mustard, but beyond that I haven't a clue. 
> What dressings and accompaniments might you suggest for a nice, tasty roast
> beef sandwich. 
> Thanks for any and all ideas,
> Shel
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