P. J. Alling wrote:

>Mark Roberts wrote:
>> Digital Image Studio wrote:
>>> But they just can't go on increasing the density of APS sized sensor
>>> ad infinitum, it will only end in tears.
>> It's true. If the K1D is 14 megapixels as reported, it'll certainly 
>> have to have a larger sensor than APS-C if they're going to meet 
>> (ever-increasing) demands for low noise. (I would expect around a 1.3 
>> crop to keep it usable with current DA lenses.)
>> Here's a sobering statistic I just read: 
>> Even if Canon pushes the upcoming 1Ds-III up to 22 megapixels as 
>> rumored it will still have *lower* pixel density (that is, larger 
>> pixels) than the Nikon D2x does *now* at 12 megapixels.
>Actually you could have done the math...

No I couldn't! I've been grading student web sites for finals for the 
past week - I can barely add at the moment...

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