Thanks, Bob, for the kind words.

However, I think your eye keeps coming back to my picture because it's the
last on the page...:)

Appreciate your comments!


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001 8:21 AM
Subject: Dec PUG comments

Just some mentions of photos that caught my eye and have not been noted

Jaume Lahuerta - The Tower and the (Ghost) Church - Wonderful nighttime
effects over the city and the tower keeps attracting my attention.

Sergey SHP - St. Petersburg, City Centre - So was it nighttime in Poland and
broad daylight in St. Petersburg, or is that moonlight?

Bill Piefer - Clockworks - simple subject, well executed

Stan Halpin - "Yellow Flower - Yellow Bug" - I like the flower and the bug
makes it all that much better.  Do you think the Portra 160 NC is muting the

Rodger Whitlock - A Synchro-Tomato - The fuzzy stuff threw me off at first,
then drew me into the photo.  You can almost feel the warmth of the

Christian Skofteland - Dusk Watch - I like the silouettes and the color, but
you've got to lose the CrappyScan scanner.

William Robb - Berries - Very vibrant colors and great contrast between the
blue berries and the red stems.  What kind of Ivy is that?

Cotty - Stefan Asleep, 2001 - Sell this photo to a stock agency!  It is a
wonderfully lit and exposed example of a sleeping child.  He will forgive
for taking the photo when he as kids of his own. <g>

Chris Niemertelny - Synchronous Willow - Why do I keep on coming back to
at this photo again and again.  It is deceptively simple yet attractive.

Gianfranco, Darryn, Jon, Annsan - as others commented, your images are

Regards,  Bob S.
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