Dario Bonazza wrote:

>Mark Roberts wrote:
>> AlunFoto wrote:
>>>When the K20D I was a bit surprised by how all the forums blabbed
>>>about it being a "minor upgrade" from K10D, despite the facts. They
>>>are two very, very different beasts. The K10D was probably as good as
>>>any APS-C CCD sensor could get, and Pentax used a 22 bit A/D converter
>>>to make sure they got the best signal achievable out of it. From there
>>>to K20D's CMOS is nothing short of a new paradigma. The K-7 also
>>>introduce a new tech platform since they've changed the operating
>>>voltage, but the technological difference between K20D and K-7 is much
>>>less of a revolution than the previous leap. Yet it receives so much
>>>more attention. :-)
>> I agree completely. I still have and use my K10D but the step up to
>> the K20D was very big indeed. I haven't bought a K7 yet. I may skip it
>> and wait for the next camera in a year or so.
>Same here, except I no longer use my K10D since the K20D entered home.

I use the K10D whenever I'm carrying two cameras, when I need to be
using 2 lenses in situations in which it's impractical to switch
lenses on a single body. I did this last weekend when shooting the
bicycle races - http://www.robertstech.com/blog/photos/gallery16/.
(And most of the keepers seemed to come from the K10D, although I
expect that's mostly coincidental.)

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