On 6/1/2010 1:35 AM, Boris Liberman wrote:
On 5/31/2010 5:56 PM, P. J. Alling wrote:
I won't appoligize, after all I also called myself an idiot. There are
other options, if your car has keyless entry you may already have one
solution. Some keyless systems won't let you lock the car if an
electronic key is in the car. If yours works that way attach the fob to
the baby's car seat. The car won't let you forget it. I'm sure that
there are other solutions if you're that worried. But your wife didn't
forget the child, and I doubt she would, almost forgetting is something
else. But that brings up an important question; Why do you expect or
want the State to tell you to do something that you already know you
should do, why do you want the State to treat you as an incompetent?

I don't expect and don't want anything, Peter. But I suggest you turn off/out/away all automation in your present life and live one day without it - no cell phone, no car, no mass transit, nothing. If you want to get to your work - run, if you want to buy a nice steak - go hunt, but don't use a gun - use a spear that you will have maee yourself without help of any modern tools whatsoever...


Boris, you equate my dislike of government control with a dislike of technology? I can't even think of words about how wrong headed that is. Your examples don't even make particular sense. We've gotten away from the issue.

Here is the contention.

Parents are forgetting their toddlers in cars, who are then dying from heat prostration.

Your answer, force every person buying a car to have a special warning device installed to remind parents that their child is in the car.

My contention, is that this makes no sense. I didn't do an exhaustive search but the numbers I was able to find suggest this is a very rare occurrence. (In the US this happened 27 times a year on average, for the last 10 years, in a country with a populations over 300,000,000).

I also believe that Government better have a pretty compelling reason to force citizens to do anything, and this just doesn't rise to that level, yes it's a tragedy, but it's in the realm of personal not public.

You disagree but your main argument seems to be that Government makes us to a lot of stupid things that cost money so what's just one more.

I disagree and point out that there may even be an existing technological solution that requires only a bit of effort on your part.

           You tell me I'm against technology?

           Boris, I love you man, but give me a break.

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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