2011/3/19 P. J. Alling <webstertwenty...@gmail.com>:
> Once again, you are postulating torture for torture sake.  There's no
> percentage in it.  The Government gains nothing and can lose everything.
>  Rational beings don't risk that.  Manning is a known prisoner.  Even the
> most repressive government would think twice about the public relations
> disaster actually torturing such a prisoner would be.  You are exhibiting a
> fairly paranoid attitude about this.  No officer in the US military that
> cared about his career would allow this to happen, because eventually
> someone will have to be punished, and they know it wouldn't be a politician.


even the UN are investigating it. the brig commander at quantico was
replaced following a complaint by coombs.


oh and this quote says it all: "Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell told
ABC News: ‘Assertions by liberal bloggers, or network reporters or
others that he is being mistreated, or somehow treated differently
than others, in isolation, are just not accurate.’"

liberal seems to be the new communist. mccarthy rears his ugly head if
you ask me...

can't agree with you at all about my attitude being paranoid - what
makes Manning so dangerous that he is on 23 hour lockdown with all of
his clothes and his prescription eyeglasses taken away from him? but
hey I guess anythingshort of extraordinary rendition is fair treatment
if you're a liberal...

obama should return his nobel peace prize - it was an advance payment
and he didn't deliver

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