2011/3/20 P. J. Alling <webstertwenty...@gmail.com>:
> It's not the government that's rational, but the humans who run it and do
> it's bidding that are.  If you think that there are no consequences improper
> behavior should, just ask the General in charge of Abu Ghraib, she no longer
> has a career in the US military, the subordinates that were directly
> responsible were court-martialed and most received long prison sentences.
>  If Manning is being mistreated it will come out and heads will roll.  Maybe
> not the heads you want to roll but someone in the chain of responsibility
> will pay.  Hell, the US Navy just relieved the Skipper of the Enterprise for
> actions he took as the executive officer, that didn't even come close to
> mistreating a prisoner.  His immediate superiors who knew of his actions and
> tacitly allowed them to continue will be taking early retirement with loss
> of pay and rank.  Their careers ruined as his.

yes but how many get away with similar things? and how do you know
those weren't just pawn sacrifices... my impression is you don't do
such things unless you are in an athmosphere that condones or
encourages such conduct... any government that allows waterboarding
and other forms of torture must not act surprised when their
executives vary the routine a bit...

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