Thank you, Christine.

I've watched a few of the already via Adobe's web site and found them pretty informative, so I'll look into joining up for a month, or so.

So far, I do like Lightroom quite a bit as it has a lot of the functions I used in both Picasa and IrfanView (with old 8BF Photoshop plugins). I've still got some familiarizing to do, obviously. But, so far, it seems pretty intuitive.

Thanks again!

-- Walt

On 9/25/2012 7:51 PM, Christine Nielsen wrote:
If you are willing to spend a little ($25, I think)  I recommend signing up at 
for a month of access to their tutorials.  They have a pretty good series of videos, that 
go over just about everything LR, soup to nuts.  You could probably cobble together the 
same info by surfing adobe and YouTube and googling the rest, but these are pretty 
comprehensive, and you can follow a "curriculum", instead of jumping from one 
topic to the next.

Good luck, you will really enjoy using Lightroom, I think!


On Sep 25, 2012, at 6:38 PM, Walt <> wrote:

Hi all!

Finally, after years of using Picasa, IrfanView and a few Photoshop plugins, I 
finally decided to break down and get some decent image editing software for my 
new setup. It's definitely going to take a while to get comfortable with it. 
I've checked out a few of the tutorial videos at the Adobe website, which were 
reasonably helpful, and wonder if anyone can suggest some others that would be 
worth taking a look at.

Any suggestions, tips, and/or advice would be greatly appreciated.


-- Walt

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