> From: "Bob W" <p...@web-options.com>

> this whole thing feels to me like a deliberately storm-provoking opening
> move. They will came back soom with something else that's only slightly less
> outrageous, and everyone will breathe a sigh of relief because it's not as
> bad as it could have been, and 'we have listened to our customers'. They
> will then bit by bit start nibbling away at it until they've got what they
> wanted in the first place.
> It's a very common ploy used by politicians, property developers and other
> greasy bastards. A couple of years ago there was a plan put forward here to
> build some collosal tower blocks at the end of the street, right by the
> river, spoiling a world famous view. Of course there was a storm of protest;
> the developers 'listened to local residents', and got permission to build
> stuff that would probably have been rejected if they had proposed it first
> time round. A few months ago, building halted 'due to the downturn', but has
> recently been restarted but they have proposed a change to the plans which
> almost reinstates what they originally asked to do.
> It becomes a war of attrition as these greedy bastards do their damndest to
> fuck the ordinary people every which way in pursuit of their filthy lucre.
> 'Monetize'. Whoever thought that one up should be buried up to his chin in
> concrete and his mouth used as a public toilet. At 20p a time, to monetize
> it.
> B

LOL Bob. Unfortunately. You may very well be right. Just look at the
'rights' we implicitly have waved by using the internet, smart phones,
and GPS, It's a gradual slide into having no or little individual
rights. Not that we have something to hide... but the fact that
governments.ultimately license, permit, and demand access to what a
normal citizen would consider personal information... off on a tangent
I know... common thread being those with the power to do so, will tend
to take advantage when the opportunity arises.

Reminds me of sci-fi stories where a person is tried and and convicted
by a computerized court.

Tom C.

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