On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 8:11 PM, Bruce Walker <bruce.wal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Worse still IMHO is that you must accept the b&w rendering that the
> camera applies. That's like using a single film only for all your
> shooting and seems awfully limiting. With a colour camera you can use
> any of dozens of possible conversion techniques from RAW to b&w and so
> get a lot more artistic control over the process.

Respectfully, Bruce, that's not true. If you read the B&H reviews,
many people still enjoy using Silver Efex Pro to do their own
rendering from the RAW files (which still contain way more information
than a mere JPEG does).  You've got all kind of creativity left there.

Whether it is worth $8K for the camera and several $K more for the
decent lenses to put on it is a different matter. I think anyone who
spends that is either MAD or perhaps dying and wants to do SOMETHING
with the money they have in the bank. Hopefully that is not the case
with BobW!

Photographers must learn not to be ashamed to have their photographs
look like photographs.
~ Alfred Stieglitz

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