On 5 Mar 2014, at 03:04, "Darren Addy" <pixelsmi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 8:11 PM, Bruce Walker <bruce.wal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Worse still IMHO is that you must accept the b&w rendering that the
>> camera applies. That's like using a single film only for all your
>> shooting and seems awfully limiting. With a colour camera you can use
>> any of dozens of possible conversion techniques from RAW to b&w and so
>> get a lot more artistic control over the process.
> Respectfully, Bruce, that's not true. If you read the B&H reviews,
> many people still enjoy using Silver Efex Pro to do their own
> rendering from the RAW files (which still contain way more information
> than a mere JPEG does).  You've got all kind of creativity left there.
> Whether it is worth $8K for the camera and several $K more for the
> decent lenses to put on it is a different matter. I think anyone who
> spends that is either MAD or perhaps dying and wants to do SOMETHING
> with the money they have in the bank. Hopefully that is not the case
> with BobW!

Well, we're all dying. Mad? I'll leave that diagnosis to my team of shrinks and 
straitjacket tailors. I already have a M8, a M3 and half a dozen Leica lenses, 
so nothing extra to buy. I'm torn between the Monochrom and the M typ 240.

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