Well I have a huge problem with glare, personally...so I'm extra sensitive to any bright light  especially if it flashes for only a second... But I'm not the only one with the problem.

i'm pretty much anti flash from an aesthetic standpoint too , I confess.

I would still suggest that anyone taking a group shot of the elderly refrain from using direct flash.. even if
it would cause not long lasting effects, it is painful in the moment.

to give you an idea of what I suffer from, I blow out candles in restaurants or move them to another table because of the glare... it is the contrast between light and dark.


On 1/14/2018 12:28 PM, Jos de Fotograaf wrote:
Ann, Large groups, flash will be at distance, out doors  it is just to get the twinkle in the eye, indoors the flash is not very strong or with large diffuser like umbrella, modern sensors see much more light than the human eye! No worries about poor eyes! Greetz, Jos

On 14-Jan-18 01:04, ann sanfedele wrote:

I really hope you don't ask people to look at your flash gun.. this is NOT good for eyes, especially elderly ones!
If you must use artificial light, bounce the flash, please...

Flash is hardly necessary for posed group shtos these days.. better to up your ISO


On 1/13/2018 6:25 PM, Jos de Fotograaf wrote:
To improve the success rate with large groups I follow some advises:

 * I tell them to go closer to each other. CLOSER!
 * You must see my lens with both eyes, otherwise you are covered partly
 * If there is a flashgun I tell them to see the flash with both eyes
   otherwise there will be a shadow on your face
 * While shooting, Speak to them to keep attention (jokes and/or

Greetz, Jos

On 13-Jan-18 22:48, Igor PDML-StR wrote:

Occasionally I am asked to take a group photo.
Every time I am choosing the best (or even usable) photo from the set,
I am struggling with finding one. The reason is that at any given moment someone takes less then the best pose, facial expression, ... So, you end up with one photo where it's better for one person, and another one for another person...

So, I've been thinking about some empirical formula for the number of photos I need to take to ensure I could choose one where everybody is OK. When I have 1 person, the first photo will be bad, so, I need to take an extra (or two). So,
for 1 person:  1+1 (or 1+2) photos.
For 2 people I will have about two bad ones (one for each), so, 2+1 (or 2+2).

One might think that for N people, I'd need N+1 (or N+2)...
But that's wrong, because in addition to everybody having individual bad moments, I will have a combination of bad poses in more then one person, plus, people getting distracted when the crowd grows close to 10 and above. The deduction and combinatorics does not seem to work well here, but I suspect that statistically, I'd need N^2+1 or even N!+1 (where N!=1*2*3*...*N) to optimize the probability of finding one photo where everybody looks fine.



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