Wendy: Let me start by saying I am a tried and true Pentax LX man with, at 
last count, four of them. I doubt many people, even camera store sales 
people, would think that anyone who uses an LX is a pro. As soon as they see 
35mm Pentax, no matter which one it is, they think amateur -- maybe advanced 
amateur -- but certainly amateur. I doubt there are very few, if any, working 
pros, still using LXs as their main cameras. Don't get me wrong, I love them 
and think they are as good as most pro cameras but I think their day has come 
and gone for pro shooters...
I'm bracing for the wave of nasty e-mails after this one...

In a message dated 10/1/02 8:48:42 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Funny about the comments people made about choosing black. All the monopods
on display in the store were silver coloured. After I'd chose mine, the
assistant went out back to get a new boxed one. He brought me a black one
because he thought I'd like it to match my camera! (LX) Or maybe he thought
as I was using a professional camera, I should have a professional-coloured
monopod! >>

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