On Sep 11, 2014, at 6:41 PM, Sungchul Ji <s...@rci.rutgers.edu> wrote:
> However, I claim that
> “Unlike DNA, ‘entropy’ does not have any agent,         (091114-4)
> other than humans, for which it can act as a sign.”

Just to add, while this may be true of foundational physical concepts, we 
should note that physics isn’t just theoretical physics. Material science for 
instance is part of physics and has examples more in line with that. However I 
took Frederick to be talking foundational theoretical physics.

The way you are presenting it any physical structures that have an agent 
relationship (i.e. mediation) would act as a sign. Of course in cosmology and 
much else one can find that sort of thing. Just not in foundational physics 
unless you take the time evolution of the symmetry formings in the universe 
within cosmology as doing that.
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