Edwina, List:

Our deeper differences are resurfacing, so we might want to stop here,
before things get contentious again.  Briefly ...

   - The Sign is not "this full semiosic process," it is one Correlate
   within the genuine triadic relation that constitutes it.
   - A Quasi-mind "stores" knowledge as an individual bundle of Collateral
   Experience and Habits of Interpretation.
   - Peirce was not defining Form or contrasting it with Matter in CP
   4.537; again, I suggest reading (or rereading) NEM 4:292-300, not just EP
   2:303-304, to see how he clearly aligned Form with 1ns, Matter with 2ns,
   and Entelechy with 3ns.


Jon S.

On Sat, Feb 10, 2018 at 1:40 PM, Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca> wrote:

> Jon - - my view is that  the IO and II are internal to the FORM that is
> involved within the semiosic interaction. BUT - this semiosic process could
> not take place without an external stimuli, the DO. That is why I refer to
> the FULL semiosic process [which I term the Sign, capital S] as inclusive
> of both the internal and external relations.
> Since I consider that this full semiosic process, the full Sign, is
> Mind-operating-as-Matter, then, it does store knowledge. There is no
> separate domain for such a storage! An insect, as the individual
> existential version of its species, is storing the knowledge of How To Be
> An Individual Existential Version of that Species...within its actual
> existence.
> And since Form must involve Mind, then, I read Peirce as associating it
> with 3rdness. My reading of EP 2.303-4 doesn't give me the same conclusion
> as you come up with.
> Instead, I understand FORM to be a TYPE, which is in a mode of Thirdness.
> "It does not exist; it only determines things that do exist. Such a
> definitely significant Form I propose to term a Type. 4.537
> The Type is understood as operating as a Legisign; ie. within definite
> common laws. Habits can hardly be understood as 'vagueness'; therefore, I
> don't see how the Form that matter takes can be in a mode of Firstness.
> Form, as a general, as a commonality, sets up the laws by which Matter
> exists in its state of individuality.
> Edwina
> On Sat 10/02/18 2:03 PM , Jon Alan Schmidt jonalanschm...@gmail.com sent:
> Edwina, List:
> I still cannot agree with your definition of the Representamen, nor with
> your inclusion of DO and DI within "The FULL Sign."  On my reading of
> Peirce, only the IO and II are internal to the Sign, while the DO and DI
> are external to the Sign.  That said, I believe we do agree that there is
> no Sign that does not have an external DO, while there are Signs that
> have no external DI (or FI).  I also cannot see "this FULL SIGN" as "the
> site for the storage of knowledge"; again, in my view, that is the
> Quasi-mind.
> Regarding Form and Matter, I can only suggest that you read (or reread)
> NEM 4:292-300 and EP 2:303-304.  In these two passages, Peirce repeatedly
> associates Form with 1ns, Matter with 2ns, and Entelechy with 3ns.  The one
> in NEM is especially detailed and illuminating on this point.
> Thanks,
> Jon S.
> On Sat, Feb 10, 2018 at 12:31 PM, Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca>
> wrote:
>> Jon, list
>> I don't see the Representamen as the individual site for storage. That
>> would make it 'existential' in itself. I see it as a site for a mediation
>> process that accesses knowledge/information and inputs it/uses it...to deal
>> with the information provided from the DO/IO.
>> The FULL Sign of DO-[IO-R-II]-DI is the existential FORM of Matter and
>> thus, as this FULL SIGN is the site for the storage of knowledge. That is,
>> a molecule, as itself, as a form of matter, stores information. That same
>> molecule is functioning within a full Sign format: DO-[IO-R-II]-DI.  It is
>> in interaction with other molecules [DO] and forms its own nature [DI]
>> which will interact as a DO with other molecules.
>> However, I do not agree that Form is 1stness; I maintain that Form is
>> Thirdness. Firstness functions within vagueness and possibility.
>> Edwina
>> On Sat 10/02/18 1:07 PM , Jon Alan Schmidt jonalanschm...@gmail.com sent:
>> Edwina, List:
>> Well, I still see the Quasi-mind as "the [individual] site for storage,"
>> rather than the Sign/Representamen.  However, I do see the latter as the
>> means "for the introduction of novelty and diversity," since it always adds
>> new Collateral Experience to a particular Quasi-mind as its Immediate
>> Object, and also always has the potential for adding a new Habit of
>> Interpretation to it as its Final Interpretant.
>> We might also still disagree about exactly how form and matter come into
>> play.  In accordance with NEM 4:292-300 (1902) and EP 2:303-304 (1904), I
>> see Signs as bringing about the entelechy of Being (3ns, "the perfect
>> Truth, the absolute Truth ... the ultimate interpretant of every sign")
>> by uniting Form (1ns, "signifies characters, or qualities") and Matter
>> (2ns, " denoting objects"); i.e., "the attribution of a predicate to a
>> subject" (CP 6.341; 1909).  This is another way of expressing the telos of
>> all Sign-action, the  summum bonum, which is "the ultimate
>> representation" (EP 2:324; 1904).
>> Regards,
>> Jon S.
>> On Sat, Feb 10, 2018 at 11:11 AM, Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca>
>> wrote:
>>> Jon - OK - I have no problem with your outline.
>>> I'd also say that a Sign [which I understand as the full set of
>>> DO-[IO-R-II]...serves not only as the site for storage but also for the
>>> introduction of novelty and diversity. Novelty can be introduced at various
>>> stages: at the IO, the II, the DI...and this would be taken up by the R in
>>> the next individual.
>>> I'd also say that this Sign serves as the FORM of matter; i.e., not
>>> merely for communication between individuals, but as the actual method of
>>> forming matter.
>>> Otherwise - I'd say that our views are becoming, unbelievably, more in
>>> line with each other!
>>> Edwina
>>> On Sat 10/02/18 11:18 AM , Jon Alan Schmidt jonalanschm...@gmail.com
>>> sent:
>>> Edwina, List:
>>> Given how Peirce used the term "Quasi-mind" in CP 4.551, I take it to be
>>> inclusive of both symbolic and non-symbolic thought, rather than
>>> limited to the latter.  It is most easily understood as a substitute for a 
>>> human
>>> mind, but also applies to bees, crystals, etc.  Each individual
>>> Quasi-mind serves as a "site" for "storage" of an "accumulated knowledge
>>> base" that includes acquaintance with various systems of Signs, Collateral
>>> Experience (previous Immediate Objects), and Habits of Interpretation
>>> (previous Final Interpretants).  A Sign serves as a medium for
>>> communication of ideas/forms between individual Quasi-minds, and successful
>>> Sign-action--which can only take place within the Commens, where multiple
>>> Quasi-minds overlap--"welds" them together in the Sign.  Every Sign adds to
>>> a Quasi-mind's Collateral Experience, and some Signs produce Final
>>> Interpretants that constitute Habit-change--i.e., learning from
>>> experience--when they supplement or alter the Quasi-mind's Habits of
>>> Interpretation.  The telos of this process is the summum bonum--the
>>> "welding" of all Quasi-minds into a continuum.
>>> At least, that is how I see it right now.
>>> Regards,
>>> Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
>>> Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman
>>> www.LinkedIn.com/in/JonAlanSchmidt - twitter.com/JonAlanSchmidt
>>> On Sat, Feb 10, 2018 at 8:57 AM, Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Jon, list - I like your outline of a syllogistic format - I consider
>>>> that the semiosic triad of DO-[IO-R-II]..and possibly DI functions in a
>>>> syllogistic format.
>>>> But with regard to the Mind/Quasi-Mind discussion, I consider that Mind
>>>> can be understood as the Real, while the individual articulation of this
>>>> Mind is its spatiotemporal Existence. We might sometimes refer to the
>>>> individual articulation of the Reality of Mind as 'Quasi-Mind', but to me
>>>> at least, that phrase suggests a non-symbolic version of thinking, as in a
>>>> paramecium, rather than the individual existential articulation of the
>>>> Reality of Mind.
>>>> As for the accumulated knowledge base - that's held in the laws of
>>>> Form, so to speak. Within physic-chemical laws, within genetics,  and
>>>> socially, within cultural rules and norms which are passed down to the next
>>>> generation by socialization. Peirce described its Storage method as
>>>> Thirdness and it is interesting that he has three types of Thirdness - from
>>>> the most abstract idealism to the collectivism of an indexical binding and
>>>> an emotional cloning of this knowledge.
>>>> Edwina
>>>> On Sat 10/02/18 9:15 AM , Jon Awbrey jawb...@att.net sent:
>>>> Peircers,
>>>> There's a bit on the role of accumulated knowledge bases in
>>>> inquiry, learning, and reasoning in the following section:
>>>> Introduction to Inquiry Driven Systems • Learning, Transfer, Testing
>>>> http://intersci.ss.uci.edu/wiki/index.php/Introduction_to_In
>>>> quiry_Driven_Systems#Inquiry
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Jon
>>>> --
>>>> inquiry into inquiry: https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/
>>>> academia: https://independent.academia.edu/JonAwbrey
>>>> oeiswiki: https://www.oeis.org/wiki/User:Jon_Awbrey
>>>> isw: http://intersci.ss.uci.edu/wiki/index.php/JLA
>>>> facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/JonnyCache
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